Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Francis: Fundraiser for the Poor

At the cell of Cortona, the blessed Father was wearing a new mantle which the friars had been at some trouble to obtain for him.  A poor man came to the dwelling, weeping for his dead wife and his wretched orphaned family.  To whom the compassionate saint said, “I give you this mantle on the condition that you will not surrender it to anyone unless they buy it from you and pay you well for it.”  The friars, hearing this, ran together to the poor man to take the mantle away from him.  But the poor man, gathering boldness from the face of Francis, with clasped hands was carrying it away as his own.  At last the friars redeemed the mantle, procuring that the due price should be given to the man.
                        -Mirror of Perfection Section III, Chapter 31

At times, providing for the needy requires imagination and a sneaky nature.  Francis, taking advantage of his popularity, used it for the sake of a needy man.  Manipulation is not always wrong, if it is used for the benefit of those around us. 

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