Friday, September 16, 2011

Don't Think About Tomorrow

When Francis was living with his brothers whom he had then, he lived in poverty with them.  At that time, they observed the Holy Gospel in and through all things to the letter, from that day in which the Lord revealed to him that he and his brothers should live according to the form of the Holy Gospel.  So he did not allow a brother who used to cook for the friars to put dried beans in warm water when they were to be given to the friars to eat on the following day, as the custom is, so that they might observe that saying of the Holy Gospel, “Take no thought for tomorrow”.  And so that brother put off setting them to soften till after Matins, because by then the day in which they were to be eaten had begun.  (On account of which many friars observed this rule in many places for a long time and would neither ask nor accept more alms than were necessary to them for one day, and this especially in cities.)
                        -Mirror of Perfection Section II, Chapter 19

It is wise to reserve for the future, against a rainy day.  It is wise to have sufficient, not only for today, but for tomorrow.  In our society we reflect this wisdom through savings accounts, IRAs, retirement, health and life insurance.  But Jesus said, “Do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow has worries enough of its own.”  He said, “Seek God’s kingdom and his righteousness and all of these future needs will be cared for.”  Rather than preserving for tomorrow, we need to trust in God, to whom we pray, “Give us this day our daily bread.”  Let us take the excess of today and give it freely to those who are in need today.  Then we will see that God, who granted us our needs for today, will also be there tomorrow to grant us our needs.  He is the same yesterday, today and forever and in as much as we trust in Him, so will He provide for us.

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